Selasa, 20 September 2011


Organizational Profile

Yayasan JERAMI or JERAMI Foundation was established on April 26th, 2011 under the registration number -63- , Notary Sunarto, SH.  in Surakarta.  The establishment is based on idea to aggregate local and national initiative on poverty reduction. Nationally, The Strategic Alliance for Poverty Alleviation (SAPA) promote the establishment of local strategy for poverty alleviation, which well known as SPKD. In Surakarta, the initiative was received in rather skeptic situation since there were not many stakeholders who really understand and involve in the process. The Local Committee for Poverty Alleviation (TKPKD) which was formed on January 2009 to encourage the establishment of local strategy could not function since expertise and supports from the main stakeholders were insufficient.
In the end of 2010, TKPKD conducted an evaluation toward the effectiveness of local coordination in the poverty reduction efforts. The meeting generated several notes toward better TKPKD works: (1) Database and information supports are needed.  There has been local capacity such as Solo Kota Kita, PNPM, as well as government to work together creating city database system.  (2) The TKPKD need to strengthen organizational capacity to better serve the need of each working groups. The secretariat needs to create clear mechanism of coordination and organsational function.
    By the beginning of 2011, the SAPA networks met in Solo to discuss about local aggregation on poverty reduction efforts. One of the issues discussed was the information and database support.  Lack of local poverty data and information has generated confusion on poverty reduction in local level. The target areas are often overlapped as well as beneficiaries.
    Based on that problem, some of members of TKPKD established the JERAMI which has three main missions:
-    Assist local committee for better aggregated poverty reduction
-    Capacity building on database and information gathering  and management
-    City level advocacy for better poverty reduction policy.

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